Dedicated to the health and well-being of your pets.
Dedicated to the health and well-being of your pets.
Clinic update – as of 12/11/2024 we are upgrading to a new software system and pet portal to better serve you – thank you for your patience and support!

About Us

Cambria Veterinary Care is dedicated to the health and well-being of all types of household pets including, but not limited to: dogs, cats, birds, pocket pets, small mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Yes, we even treat chickens!


Now accepting Large Animal Clients! Get established today by calling us at 814-288-8821.

Meet Our Staff

Our Veterinarians, Vet Techs, Vet Assistants, Office Manager, and Receptionists all work as a team in order to provide the best care possible for your pet’s.

Pet Portal

Use the Pet Portal to access your pet’s health info 24/7! Access your pet’s medical records and request appointments and prescription refills.


Our Online Pharmacy

Visit our online pharmacy to order all of your pet’s medication and prescription food needs. 

Cambria Veterinary Care provides local emergency coverage for active clients until 10 PM 7 days a weeks, not including major holidays.
When local emergency coverage is not available the nearest emergency hospitals are:

Kalyani Indiana Emergency Veterinary Hospital (Indiana, PA) 724-471-2575

Central Pennsylvania Veterinary Emergency Treatment Services (State College, PA) 814-237-4670

Avets Specialty & Emergency Trauma Center (Monroeville, PA) 412-373-4200